

This website ranks Celeste speedrunners by an accumulated score from all their Individual Level times, largely inspired by and For the data source, it uses and its REST API.

It is pretty basic right now, by design. With enough interest, I can see myself investing more time to make it prettier and add features. And of course it is open source, you are free to submit your own changes via a PR. Here is the repository.


Each run is given a score based on the percentage of how close it is to the world record of that category, with a record scoring 1000 points. All individual scores are summed up for each player, resulting in their final point count.

score ≈ max(0, (1 - ln((e-1)*(runTime/wrTime - 1) + 1)) * 1000)

Note: Farewell is considered an A-Side in this context. Also, Collectible runs use the Full Clear subcategory.
